
Restricted Item Sales

Restricted items are defined as products that are regulated by local ordnance, state or federal law. There are several ways to purchase these items:

  1. Government Agency Destination: Restricted items may be shipped directly to individuals at verified government facilities without proof of affilliation.

  2. Private Security Firms and ID Resellers: Restricted items may be shipped directly to registered business addresses. ID product resellers may also receive restricted ID items at their registered business address.

  3. Movie Studios: Restricted items may be shipped directly to registered business addresses.

  4. Residential Destination: Non-agency purchases may be made with proper current identification from law enforcement, military or state-issued security credentials. The purchaser must assure that these purchases are lawful withing their residential jurisdiction.
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Ballistic Helmets & Shields: This also includes laser diffusing filters. Purchase of these items is restricted to law enforcement, active duty military or private security. Affiliation verification is required or these products can be shipped to a verified agency address.
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Body Armor, Ballistic Plates & Backpack Armor: Body armor sales can be made to the law-abiding general public with proof of identification. No verification form is required. Individuals with felony convictions may not purchase body armor products.

Law Enforcement ID: Some apparel items such as placards, patches, badges and hats that represents the wearer as a law enforcement official are not sold to the general public. Affiliation verification is required or these products can be shipped to a verified agency address.
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Defense Spray: Defensive spray products must be shipped standard ground service to a physical address. PO Box, PMB and air shipping are prohibited by law. Canisters over 2.5 oz. can only be sold to law enforcement personnel. Gernade-type cannisters can only be sold to law enforcement. Affiliation verification is required or these products can be shipped to a verified agency address. Defense Spray can only be shipped by ground freight and cannot be shipped to AK and HI.
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Impact Weapons for CA Destinations: In California, impact weapons (batons) may be purchased by persons with peace officer powers as defined in California Penal Code or Security Guards as certified by the California Department of Consumer Affairs. Verification is required or these products can be shipped to a verified agency address.
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Automatic Opening Knives: Order can be shipped to a Law Enforcement, Fire, EMS department address or a military base. Otherwise affilliation verification is required.
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Weighted or "Sap" Gloves: Gloves that are weighted are considered impact weapons and may only be purchased by persons with peace officer powers. Verification is required or these products can be shipped to a verified agency address. Local regulations may prohibit possession of this product.
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Agency Destination Required: This designation is for products such as dynamic entry tools and munitions that must be shipped directly to a verified law enforcement agency and cannot be shipped to residential or commercial addresses.


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